Virgin Coconut oil- Top facts you should ever know

An introduction

Advanced technical methods with ultra-purity produce virgin coconut oil. These technical methods are different and more advanced than traditional natural oil processing methods. In the conventional oil refinery method, copra press two or more times to extract the oil. But during the virgin coconut oil production process, coconut kernel press only one time. Therefore yield per kilogram of raw coconut is much lower with comparing the other commercially oil refinery method. It makes a relatively high market price for the virgin coconut oil. This gives you the “real taste of coconut” for your taste buds.

Research has confirmed that coconut’s characteristic nutritional value is not destroyed during the procedure of making virgin coconut oil. Since it preserves the nutritional value and purity, there is no harm to health at all. During the extraction process, the natural oil of coconut kernel extracts without damaging its purity. There is no use of copra for making virgin coconut oil. Bleaching, deodorizing and hydrogenate process are not using for manufacturing. Freshly extracted oil dried in burners for several hours below the temperature of 40 Celsius. Therefore drying temperature cant destroy the nutritional worth.

Coconut tree

In the traditional coconut oil industry, when producing oil on a business scale, practically not choose fresh coconut for oil extraction. It has been identified that some oil producers use inappropriate and rejected coconut for traditional coconut oil production. This is one of the reasons for the quality of ordinary coconut oils have declined. However, only freshly ripe coconut oil use for making virgin coconut oil. These coconuts are pluck down from trees and store for about three weeks. After that, the husk is removed from the coconut, and then the coconut shell is removed. Finally, coconut water is removed, and the kernel is washed with fresh and cold water. This water is free from chlorine or other chemicals. Also, since they are virgin coconut oil, kernel or extraction do not mix with any chemicals.

Generally, coconut oil is a yellow colour, but the virgin coconut oil is colourless. It looks like fresh water from the outside of the container. This is because the coconut bran removing before oil extraction, and the coconut is not heated. Virgin coconut oil is still scarcely available in their producing countries. The reason is that fresh coconut oil producers export all their products to the world market. Buyers use it for the manufacturing of perfumes and medicines.

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Coconut meat

Nutritional value

Loric acid is the most abundant ingredient in coconut oil. This coconut oil has gained high value due to the Loric acid in it. Because Loric acid also contained in breast milk. Coconut oil is the only edible oil that contains Loric acid, which has produced oil-for-food products. Generally, coconut oil contains 48.9% lauric acid. If a lactating mother needs to increase the lauric acid in her milk, coconut oil and other coconut products are the best options for the body.

Except for coconut oil, There are no other famous oils in the market containing Loric acid. However some venderos selling vegetable oil showing as it containing lauric acid. A medical journal of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published that with therapeutically validated. As a kind of fatty acids, lauric acid is rich in breast milk and has many benefits. Increasing the infant’s immunity, developing the baby’s digestion system, preventing the baby’s skin disease, etc., are particularly prominent. There has no substitute produced for breast milk yet. However, some ongoing research suggests that a certain percentage of lauric acid in coconut oil can be mixed with cow’s milk to produce milk that is a bit similar to breast milk. But this is still only in a research-level.

Lauric acid is also suitable for adults, as most people are aware of it, people in western countries are using raw coconut oil for drink. Drinking of this oil meaning is not a large amount but once a tablespoon. Also, fresh coconut oil has produced as medicine by adding fresh coconut oil to the capsules. Therefore they can take one pill after the main meal. That is more practical for people those who not like to drink raw coconut oil directly.

Virgin coconut oil

Other uses of virgin coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil used to produce beauty products, herbal oils, and even it has a remarkable ability to kill cancer cells in the body. Fresh coconut oil is an ingredient of the medicine to fight against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Some drugs need to dissolve in fat to gain real benefits. This can fulfil by using drugs with fresh coconut oil. Coconut oil is also use for making moisturizing creams. This is because only coconut oil out of other oils has the ability to penetrate the skin through the hair follicles and absorb into the skin.

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Health benefits

Virgin coconut oil is blended into all herbal oils produced in Ayurvedic medicine. The reason is that it is able to move through the hair follicles more than any other oil.

If you apply coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil on your hair daily, you can control the grey hair, loss of hair, premature hair loss, splitting tip of hair in a significant amount.

The high concentration of blood cholesterol is one of the leading health issues which people are suffering in modern life. Containing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood is not suitable for the health. However, coconut oil contains high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL (also called good cholesterol) is suitable for maintain proper health in your body and prevent strokes and heart diseases. Other health benefits include

  • Improve liver functions
  • Reduce inflammation and irritation
  • Boost bone and teeth health
  • Increase in metabolism
  • Improve brain function
  • Reduce body fat
  • Relieve Arthritis
  • Improve wound healing
  • Antioxidants

Source Healthline

Alzheimer’s disease and coconut oil

Alzheimer’s disease known as the development of forgetfulness with age. However, there is no unique cure has invented for Alzheimer disease. Yet, Scientists have identified that this Alzheimer disease can control up to a considerable extent with the use of coconut oil or mostly virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil nutrition

Extra Virgin coconut oil

There are some coconut oil containers labelled as extra virgin coconut oil in the market. However, there is no quality difference between extra virgin coconut oil and virgin coconut oil. Asian pacific coconut community (APCC) is the world largest coconut community among Asia Pacific region coconut producers. APCC issue the standards for coconut oil. They have no quality standards as extra virgin coconut. That could be a marketing tactic for VCO to increase market demand. Therefore we can assure that both are same quality coconut oils.

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