Gloster Canary Bird & How To Take Care Of Them

Gloster Canary is a brighten small, short, and fat – no more than 4 3/4 inches bird, and come in many color variations including:

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Cinnamon

They are often confused by Crested Canaries. – Although there are differences that are recorded is that the Crested Canaries are greater than Gloster and are not generally available.

Although some Canaries Gloster doing cute sports “Beatles Haircuts” is also referred to as “crest,” the  “Crested Canary” was recognized as a separate breed in 1925.

Each crested Gloster is called Corona and those without peak (plainheads) are known as consorts.

Despite the type of canary (raised for their form and conformation – and not raised because of singing) – Gloster is known to have a beautiful song. Their ability to sing and the symbols that look funny have caused them to become very popular in the aviculture and pet trade.

Farmers – Please note: genes that cause dominant crested mutations, but double dose lethal. When one inherited gene, the bird is crested. If two genes are inherited, then the disabled bird skull and girls usually die in shells. From the results below it can be seen that you will not get more crested girls living by breeding to explore, therefore this is not recommended. If you choose to breed Crested Gloster Canary, install him with Canary Gloster Canary (Consort).

Possible pairings:

  • Plainhead × Plainhead will produce 100% young plain head.
  • Plainhead × crested will produce 50% of the plain head and 50% young crested.
  • Crested × crested will produce riber 25%, 50% crested, and 25% dead, not recommended!

White-crested canary

Canary crested, (Serinus Canaria Domesticus), is one of the oldest “type” Canaries who grew up because of the striking coat of tufted from head hair, then special songs. If you enjoy breeding canaries, this canary crested canary may be an ideal choice of a pet canary. At present, Canary Crested comes in many colors and is available and appreciated for a pleasant appearance and a great personality. Canary crested can be on the shy side, but also both at home or cage, and can live between 8-12 years with a relatively easy.

True crested canaries tend to be quite a large average, compared to their close relatives, Canary Gloster. Farmers continue to work, use true Canary Crested as a starter for the main development of Canary Gloster smaller but wild, which also has a good symbol. The Canary Crested Show which is actually a larger walnut, rather sturdy. Lots of seats the quality of pets may be smaller. Their environment cannot be wet, cool, or windy, and if they are given room to sunbathe, they also have to have a shade to protect them from too much sunlight.

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How to breed Gloster canary bird

Buy breeding supplies. In addition to the basic inventory you have to have for your bird, you will need a big cage for Canaries to breed, nests for women to lay their eggs, and nesting materials that will be used to build their nests. You might also need light to shine at home if your area gets less than 14 hours of light every day.

Save separate Canaries until the time breed. Unless actively multiply, Canaries must be stored in their own cage. Men tend to fight and a man might kill women if he is not ready to multiply. However, their cages can be stored in the same room.

Pay attention to the signs that Canaries are in the “condition,” or ready to multiply. Breeding usually occurs in spring. Canaries like to multiply when the temperature is around 70 degrees and there are about 14 hours of light. This condition can be replicated indoors, to promote breeding. Canaries male and females act differently when they are ready to multiply.

Place male and female cages near each other, but not at the same cage. Place their enclosure side by side or put both birds in a special breeding cage that has a central divider. It will make birds used with each other and their behavior each other will tell you if they are ready to mate.

Add a nest to the female side of the breeding cage. If you only use big cages instead of breeding cages, just put the nest in a female cage. Once the female starts adding materials to nesting into the nest, it is a sign that she is getting ready to mate.

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Feed the right diet. Canaries nest must be fed the right diet consisting of pellet food, grained seeds, soft food, and additional calcium. Since a few weeks before breed until they finish feeding their chicks. Cuttle or grit bones are advised to provide additional calcium needed to produce healthy eggs. These special foods are available through pet supply companies.

Gloster canary care

Glosters must be stored at temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, even though they can tolerate temperatures as low as 40 degrees for a short time. Canaries are often stored in a cage that is too small, and minimal, you must have a 24x24x24 inch cage with a distance of a 1/2 inch bar. Bigger better because of their training requirements.

These birds cannot climb and exercise from flying from perch to perch. The cage you must have various places perched with different diameters to promote healthy legs. At least one perch it must be high in the cage where your bird can be perched for that night. Canary cages must be placed high in the room so that your bird stares at you. The placement of the cage must be in a free area of ​​draft to protect your Avian friend.

These birds are molt, generally in summer. When molting, male may reduce the singing or even stop at all. This is standard behavior and does not cause alarm. The shower was important during the Molt period, and cold water baths must be offered every day. Warm water should not be used because it can cause skin irritation. When not a shower must be offered more rarely, because your bird can catch a cold. Clippings  nails must be done regularly as needed. Some roughly perches can minimise the need to cut their nails.



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